Welcome to Carpe Diem!

Importer and manufacture of the Kamo 360 bait boat we also stock fish finders, GPS Autopilot such as Toslon units and anything carpe! Taking advantage of the latest technology and making specimen angler’s more equipped to take advantage of their time spent hunting those monster carp. Oh and if you’re just a Tackle Tart that’s OK too.


Benefits of Toslon products

Technological advances has made fishing especially for the specimen fisher a whole lot better. You might think a Fish Finder is only used to find fish but there is so much more it can do then just locate fish most fish finders has a range of other features like the Toslon TF 640/50

GPS and Compass

  • GPS data display   Distance to target, Distance to Home, Speed of boat, Time to Board, Satellite Number, Heading, Bear, Course Memory, Time of day, Main Battery.
  • Compass indicator of the instant boat heading direction on screen (a red “+” on screen indicate the target)
  • Indicator of the position and distance to target waypoint and HOME
    Boat arriving alarm
  • Signal lost alarming
  • Indication of satellite condition by color bar: red(0~3satallites); Yellow(3~6); Blue(>6)
  • Show the current position as latitude/longitude in decimal degrees
  • 20 RF channels allow different users operating at same region without interference
  • Detailed waypoint information including icon, name, date, etc,
  • Zoom in/Out route display


  • Adopt brand new digital wireless sonar system
  • Real time sonar windows display the latest sonar returns
  • Color Line separates fish and structure from the bottom, and defines bottom hardness.
  • Display target depth reading above each fish symbol as a guide for quick and precise lure presentations.
  • Sonar alarm: fish / shallow / low battery(boat battery and display battery)
  • 3 background colors
  • Built-in temp sensor in transducer


  • Windows style of menu system
  • 2 year warranty

Latest Products


Gps, Mapping & Auto Pilot systems

CarpeDiem i6x GPS only

Original price was: R3,795.0.Current price is: R3,565.0.

Bait Boat parts

Folding handle

From R25,300.0 R24,035.0
From R24,150.0 R22,942.5